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Live virtual physical therapy performed 1-on-1, including assessment and ongoing treatment, via your HIPPA compliant patient portal.

Why Choose Ascension Physio

Emphasis on Education

The more you understand your body, the better your results.

Ergonomic Assessments

Ensure your workstation, couch, and bed are ergofied.

Incredibly Convenient

Easy patient portal access from the comfort of your home.

55 or 30 MIN Sessions 1-on-1

Get the full attention of your therapist for the length you need.

Treatable Conditions

Your first visit will start with reviewing your symptom presentation and medical history.

Next, a physical assessment will be conducted through guided special tests of the affected region as well as the regions above and below, and any other relevant areas.

Treatment will commence on at least one identified contributing factor, and you will be provided with at least 3 home exercises or self-treatment techniques.

Finally, a discussion of your prognosis and an agreement on the plan of care will be reached.

If you have questions about a condition not listed here, feel free to get in touch or schedule a complimentary consultation.

Upper Extremity Pain

Including wrist, elbow, and shoulder injuries.

Lower Extremity Pain

Including foot, ankle, knee, hip, and SIJ injuries.

Back & Neck Pain

Including lower back/sciatica, upper back, and neck pain.

Women's Health

Including bladder problems and painful intercourse.

Meet Dr. Julia Niwinski, PT, DPT

Julia earned her Doctor of Physical Therapy degree from the University of Melbourne in Australia in 2016. She also holds a Bachelor of Kinesiology from the University of British Columbia in Canada. She relocated from Chicago to Albuquerque when her husband joined the Air Force in 2023.

Experienced in Functional Manual Therapy, Julia's skill set allows her to excel in treating the whole body and patients of all ages who may suffer from joint pain including TMJ, foot/ankle issues, vestibular dysfunction, post-op recovery, and complex chronic pain. She is also a Women’s Health Therapist experienced in pelvic floor rehabilitation and can help women with a variety of pelvic health issues as well as pre- and postpartum care.

Julia is also Schroth Scoliosis Physical Therapy C1 Certified to treat both adolescents and adults with scoliosis. Her comprehensive and diverse education and training allow her to provide a wide range of treatment approaches to single and S-curve scoliosis, Scheuermann’s kyphosis, and other spine deformities that integrate Schroth, specialized functional manual therapy, and neuro-based evaluation and treatment.

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    ©  2023 by Ascension Physio Co.

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Physical therapy services to meet your orthopedic, scoliosis, and women's health needs.

Appointments can be scheduled online or over the phone.

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